Sunday, September 6, 2009

Holy Cow--It's a Slug!

We just had to take a picture of this slug that we found in our yard. There is a story behind it, of course. While Grandpa and the kids were out working on cutting up the trees they came across a small snake hiding in the trees. The snake was pointed out to Stevie and she refused to believe it was a snake. She kept insisting that it was a slug. Everyone out there thought she was a nut!!! Steve later told me that while working on the tree house that they had seen a really big slug and that he could perhaps understand her confusion. Well I still didn't really believe in huge slugs--I'd only seen the Utah variety I guess. So when working outside and running across this critter, we had to take a picture to show off. Stevie was quite happy to prove to us all that slugs can indeed be as big as a little snake. HERE HE COMES!!!
Look at the size of this critter. He was about five inches in length. Quite gross huh!


Tina said...

Wow! that is big!