Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Happy" Thanksgiving

Noah is "happy" that he made a gingerbread house.
Zane is "happy" that he has a mom like me.
Justin and Chancy are really "happy" to get such a fine dinner.
Baxter and McKay are "happy" that McKay can eat with his left hand.
Stevie is "happy" that Ceci curled her hair and Ceci is "happy" that Stevie let her.
Dad and Mom sat on different sides of the table so here they are above and below.
Don't they look "happy"?
Tina and Lincoln looking "happy" too.
Steve and I look "happy" too!

I think we all enjoyed a lovely day. I didn't hear any raised voices. Everyone was helping everyone else. It was definitely a "love"ly day.


The two old crows said...

A very lovely day!!!!!

King Family said...

Oh fun! Wow my mom's hair has gotten really long! Im glad everyone was so happy!