Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My dreams come true!

Well as many of you know we have had record snows in Maryland. I honestly really enjoyed the time off work and the time spent with my hubby and kiddies. However, I must admit that with the x-box going twenty-four seven that I did start to question my sanity. I awoke from a dream part way through what I term the "snow break" with visions of painting my kitchen. I shared my dream with Steven and being the wonderful man that he is he suggested we make it reality---so off to the paint store we did go to purchase paint. While there I got carried away and suggested that we also paint the upstairs bathroom. I was a bit surprised by the total, but decided to grin and bear it. For the next three days children and parents alike were involved in a different past time. I know the kids were wishing for their x-box, ds's and computer time, but I was enjoying the break from them. I now have a beautiful kitchen and a bright bathroom. Yeah!!! Now we just need to finish the trim. We have been replacing the trim with a more craftsman style as we have updated the rooms. We just need time to sand and stain or paint as the case may be. Even unfinished it is muy bien. The refrigerator felt bad that the walls got all the attention so it died yesterday. We now have a lovely new one that I found for a great deal!!!! I do wish that the other hadn't pooped out though--unplanned expenses are never fun.